Meeting Minutes – March 10, 2025

Lake Interlochen HOA Board Meeting
March 10, 2025 7:00pm @ Sobel residence

Directors Attending: Ralph Sobel, Bruce Turner, Bryan Keathley, Michael Saliba, Chris Slauter, David Duperre, Brenda Cubbage, Brian Dawson, and Noelle Slater (via phone)

Absent: None

Non-Board Architectural Committee: Grace Whetstone

Guests: Lee Jennings, Peggy Crist, Ed Klobas, Vicki Dixon, Paul Scudder, Victor & Alyssa Barbosa

An Executive session was held from 7:00-7:30 prior to the regular meeting. This was to discuss the on-going project to rebuild the dam and Chair of the Water Committee Tony Lester’s resignation from the Board. The Water Committee oversees many tasks including water testing, tilapia stocking, beaver trapping, dredging, fountain maintenance and repair, and most importantly, the dam repairs. Current members of the Board agreed to divide up the Water Chair’s duties for the time being while a search is conducted for a new Water Committee member. Several names have been proposed as a possible replacement for Tony.

The Board then officially installed the officers for 2025:

  • President: Ralph Sobel
  • Vice President: Chris Slauter
  • Treasurer: Bruce Turner
  • Secretary: Brenda Cubbage
  • Website & Directory: David Duperre
  • Water Committee: Brian Dawson, David Duperre, and a new person TBD
  • Architectural Control Committee: Janine Barber, Chair, Kim Besly, and Grace Whetstone

At 7:30pm, Board President Ralph Sobel called the regular board meeting to begin.

Guests Vicky Dixon and Paul Scudder gave a presentation to the board regarding Friends of the Park and the mission to plant native plants in some of the beds in Bob Findlay Park. Other Friends of the Park groups in Arlington were discussed.

Bruce Turner gave the Treasurer’s Report. January-February expenses were $3135.47 with eight owners still owing HOA dues. Late fees will apply after March 31. The HOA’s operating and money market accounts were discussed, and it was noted that except for operating expenses, the remaining funds will stay in place at the bank for use on the dam project. A deposit was paid to the contractor to secure work for the dam project once weather permits.

Ralph Sobel will be contacting the contractor to confirm costs, start date, and a possible special assessment to pay for part of the project. The dam issues were tabled for the next meeting until more information can be obtained from the contractor.

There were no new requests for Architectural Committee approval. There appear to be some owners engaged in outdoor repairs and other exterior projects that may require ACC approval. Owners are reminded to request a meeting or contact the ACC members to obtain approval as is required by the HOA covenants.

The Lake report was deferred to the next meeting. The tilapia will be placed in the lake in April once the water is warm enough to sustain them. Repairs to fountains, especially in the Old Channel were discussed.

Christmas lights were mentioned and full participation by all owners for our 50th Anniversary this year is encouraged. Decorations are being gathered to assist owners who may need help. Owners are asked to let a Board member know if they or someone they know require any assistance.

Ralph Sobel gave a brief update on the Randol Mill road project. In addition to what is being worked on presently, the plan apparently includes repaving Westwood from Randol Mill to Findlay Drive.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:45pm.

Minutes submitted by Brenda Cubbage