Meeting Minutes – July 22, 2024

Lake Interlochen HOA Board Meeting
July 22, 2024 7:00pm @ Slauter residence

Directors attending: Ralph Sobel, Chris Slauter, Tony Lester, Nancy Weaver, Brian Keathley, David Duperre, Brenda Cubbage, Michael Saliba, Brian Dawson, Bruce Turner

Absent: None

Non-Board Architectural Committee: Not in attendance

Guests: Teresa Gaines, Terry Gaines, and Ken Seipel

President Sobel called the meeting to order at 7:05pm.

The meeting was opened with great news! We have finally received approval from the Corps of Engineers to begin work on the dam. This project has been almost two years in the making. Water Chair Tony Lester and Brian Dawson will be working with our Contractor, Bill Simmonds, on a start date for this enormous project. The City of Arlington will need another two weeks to get their final approvals and we will then commence rebuilding the dam. Coffers will have to be built to move water along with large generators to remove water from the middle portion of the creek. Additionally, some trees will be removed around the sides of the dam. A huge thank you to Tony and the water committee for all their hard work. This has been a long process and we are grateful for all of your time and effort for our neighborhood.

The water remains E.coli free, and the duckweed is gone. Some minor tree trimming has been done over the water. Please remember that all trimmings must be removed from the canal.

The web site is up to date with photos of the Boat Parade. Thank you to Ken Seipel’s grandson for the drone pictures and videos. It’s neat to have another view of our beautiful neighborhood.

There were no projects submitted to the Architectural Committee during the last two months.

We have a new Lieutenant, Adrian Yowman, for our neighborhood. Our Beat Sergeant, Megan Eilrich, remains the same. National Night Out will be Tuesday October 1st. Come on out and meet our Police team as well as your neighbors.

On a more dangerous note, please keep an eye on your small pets when they are outdoors. There are some large owls living in the neighborhood and they have killed several egrets and possibly a neighbor’s cat. We have also received reports from nearby neighborhoods that have spotted several bob cats recently so please be aware of your surroundings.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.

Minutes submitted by Chris Slauter