Meeting Minutes – January 10, 2023

Lake Interlochen HOA 50th Annual Meeting
January 10, 2023 @ Sobel residence

Directors attending: Ralph Sobel, Ken Seipel, Chris Slauter, Bruce Turner, Brenda Cubbage, Nancy Weaver, Tony Lester, Michael Saliba, and David Duperre

Absent: Bryan Keathley

Non-Board Architectural Committee: Pat Jenkins, Janine Barber, and Kim Besl

President Sobel called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.

The Lake Interlochen HOA held the annual homeowners’ association meeting at the home of Board President, Ralph Sobel, on January 10, 2023.

Before the meeting commenced, Beat Lt. Christopher Moore of the Arlington Police Dept. joined the group for socializing and to introduce himself.

President Sobel called the meeting to order and noted the recent passing of two long-time Interlochen residents, Roger Pendleton and Jim Haskell. Roger was the HOA Board secretary for many years, expertly handling the HOA website and directory, in addition to several other neighborhood contributions. Jim Haskell was a Marine aviator who flew missions in Korea and Vietnam. Jim was one of the neighborhood’s first residents and created the Independence Day Boat Parade many years ago.

Lake Interlochen, with its 2 ½ miles of waterways, is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. A brief history of the neighborhood was presented, including the founding and building of Interlochen by Bob and Carol Findlay. Sobel also noted that the Interlochen Christmas lights have long been a unique and celebrated feature of the neighborhood, drawing holiday crowds every year from all over the State.

A discussion of annual dues was the next topic, with emphasis on the reasonableness of the dues compared to many other HOAs in the area. Those who have not paid their 2023 dues yet were asked to do so by the end of January. Collection of annual dues is slightly ahead of last year.

New residents on San Juan Ct., Noelle and Kyle Slater, were introduced to those in attendance.

The composition of the HOA Board is in transition with the passing of Roger Pendleton. Roger wore many hats as noted above, plus, he maintained updated owner data files for both the website and the directory. Roger had just finished editing the 50th anniversary hard copy edition of the directory before he passed. David Duperre, one of the new Board members, has graciously agreed to take on the website duties.

Bruce Turner, the Board Treasurer, gave the Treasurer’s Report. The A/R on unpaid dues is lower than last year. The balance sheet and profit/loss statement were reviewed, and Turner noted expenses were higher in 2022 than the previous year due to more dredging, repairs, and maintenance. Replacement of electrical parts as well as work on the fountains also contributed to the increased expenses. In addition, liability insurance costs for the HOA doubled in 2021 due to the fact that two years of premiums were paid in one calendar year. The HOA’s reserve fund should be large enough to handle the major dam repair expense without impacting regular operating costs or requiring a special assessment. Details of the financials are available on request to Bruce Turner or Ralph Sobel.

The HOA’s electricity contract is expiring and the HOA has 60 days to enter into a new contract. President Sobel will be shopping among providers for the best rate and plan.

Due to new Texas statutes regarding HOAs, the Architectural Control Committee (“ACC”) had to be reconstituted with three new members. Brenda Cubbage and Chris Slauter have been replaced with Pat Jenkins, Janine Barber, and Kim Besly. All external construction projects and additions/replacement of exterior improvements need to be approved by the ACC prior to commencing the work.

Tony Lester, the Water Committee Chair, then gave the Water Report. The committee is seeking a more competitive price for water testing than the current testing service. Current levels of silting will be investigated and measured in 2023. Tony advised that 155 lbs. of tilapia will be ordered for the summer season and delivered when the weather is warm enough. The clean-up of the ends of the lake system are ongoing and will continue. Costs have gone up for dredging and containers. Overhanging limb removal to maintain safe passage for boaters will continue in 2023, and the Board requests that owners remove such limbs that are hazards.

Brian Dawson was introduced as a new member of the Water Committee. Brian frequently lends a hand to the HOA Board through the use of his boat, and he has measured the depth of the water in the lake system in various locations, and has agreed to continue that helpful task.

Beaver activity on Loch Lomond was noted by Tony Lester and two traps have been set to apprehend the animals. If caught, the beavers will be removed and taken to a N. Dallas wetland area for release.

The condition of the dam across from the southern end of Findlay Dr. next to Rush Creek and the status of the ongoing dam repair project were discussed at length. The length of time to start and complete the project is dependent on the weather and the speed at which the City of Arlington and its engineers move. Southwest Erosion ( Bill Simmons ) is the HOA’s contractor. Simmons and the HOA Board are waiting for the City’s engineer to determine an appropriate plan of action for repair/replacement of portions of the dam. The Army Corp of Engineers will also have to sign off on the project.

The election of five directors for the HOA Board took place. There were no write-in nominations. After a motion and second to approve the slate of candidates, three incumbent board members, Nancy Weaver, Chris Slauter, and Bruce Turner were re-elected, and two new members, David Duperre and Michael Saliba, were elected to serve two year terms by unanimous approval of those present.

The annual meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Brenda Cubbage