Meeting Minutes – July 18, 2022

Lake Interlochen HOA Board Meeting
July 18, 2022 @ Sobel residence

Directors attending:Ralph Sobel, Bryan Keathley, Ken Seipel, Chris Slauter, Bruce Turner, Brenda Cubbage,Bryon DeVries, Nancy Weaver
Absent:Tony Lester and Roger Pendleton   Guests:Brian Dawson

President Sobel called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.

Minutes from the last Board meeting on May 16, 2022 were approved.

Treasurer Turner reported expenses for January to June 2022 were $29,800. Assets were $185,378.52 as of June 30th.

Guest Brian Dawson was recognized as the Grand Marshal of the July 4thboat parade. Photos of the parade are on the website.

A preliminary discussion regarding raising dues in 2023 was focused on the fact that the dues have not been raised in several years and the need for additional reserves to deal with repairs to the impound area and the dam.

Architectural Committee Chair Cubbage reported approval of three items: 1) replacement of a lower dock, 2) replacement of a retaining wall near a pool that collapsed due to rain, and 3) re-painting of a house.

Bryon Devries, Water Committee Interim Chair, gave an extensive report to the Board. He noted the intense heat had caused a significant drop in the lake water levels. The low water has revealed more damage to the dam over in Findlay Park than originally thought. A permit will likely be needed before major repairs can occur to the dam. The Water Committee and Bill Simmons, together with City personnel, are working on these issues.

Currently, the pump that brings water from the park side to our lake system is not working. Assessing the cause and finding possible solutions are underway with various Board members, Mr. Simmons and City personnel involved. Mr. DeVries will retain a plumber to review all the silo electronics, wiring and other mechanical items to determine if replacement or repairs are necessary. Water will be pumped out of the silo to check the electronics, etc. There was a lengthy discussion about the silo, the pump, the water intake and the dam. It was agreed that the best time to make all the needed repairs is while the water is so low.

The top of the silo has been cleaned off, but a solid cover is needed with locking capacity to prevent intrusion and as a safety measure.

The dam situation was discussed at length. Silt from upstream is a huge factor with the impound area and the dam. Controlling silt is not under the HOA’s control.

It was agreed that a licensed structural engineer was required to prepare a plan for dam repair. Requests for qualifications will be sent out to determine the right engineer and then obtain bids. The City of Arlington will have to be involved in the repair process as a permit will likely be needed. Meetings are scheduled to get a plan for repairs underway.

The Board encourages every resident to walk over to the dam area and see what is happening presently.

 The next item discussed involved the possible addition of a boat ramp at the Westwood end of the lake to facilitate launching boats, removing boats from the lake for repairs, and future dredging. Ms. Cubbage will research the existence of easements in that area.

The fountains in the lake system were the next item for discussion. Apparently, the breaker and timer boxes are being disturbed as Mr. DeVries noted all such boxes were open. Securing the boxes is an action item.

An oxygen meter, bubblers, and aerators were discussed in response to our algae problem. An oxygen meter was approved for purchase. The cost of new fountains versus the costs to continue to repair was debated, and bubblers/ aerators were discussed. Prices will be obtained on those items.

It was proposed that the HOA invest in a lake water measuring tool. Mr. DeVries will obtain the cost and circulate to Board members. Brian Dawson offered to conduct the measuring task.

The next Board meeting was set for September 12, 2022. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Brenda Cubbage