Meeting Minutes – May 17, 2021

Lake Interlochen HOA Board Meeting
May 17, 2021 @ Seipel residence

Directors attending: Ralph Sobel, Tony Lester, Roger Pendleton, Brenda Cubbage, Ken Seipel, Bryon DeVries  Absent:Nancy Weaver, Chris Slauter, Bryan Keathley, Bruce Turner

President Sobel called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.

Minutes from the last Board meeting, March 13, were approved.

Current assets are $190,258. Expenses for first four months of 2021 are $9,646.

Water Committee Chair Lester reported good news: excellent results from water testing in first week of May; rainfall and the gravity flow system have maintained lake level at its optimum; more than 155 pounds of tilapia were deposited May 3 at five locations in the lake; all fountains are functioning properly; and silt in the pump still at acceptable level. Bad news: our trapper caught a beaver, but it escaped, leaving a broken cage and lots of fur behind. Residents have reported more damage to trees and shrubs caused by beavers.

The major problem of the Rush Creek impound shrinking in size took up most of the meeting. The Army Corps of Engineers responded to Lester’s request and provided a list of approved vendors, two of the companies submitted proposals outlining their scope of work to obtain the necessary approvals required for the HOA to proceed with our project to remedy the problem.  Following lengthy discussion, directors voted to table the issue for further research.

Directors voiced dismay that a resident constructed a fence, causing complaints from neighbors. Before starting any project, HOA members not only need Board approval, but also should talk to their neighbors, discussing how the project may impact them.

The Board was informed that the 16th Annual Lake Interlochen Independence Day Boat Parade will be held on July 4th.

The next Board meeting was scheduled for July 26. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Roger Pendleton