Meeting Minutes – January 14, 2020

Lake Interlochen HOA 47thAnnual Meeting
January 14, 2020 @ St. Stephen United Methodist Church

Directors attending:Ralph Sobel, Bryan Keathley, Dot Wightman, Ken Seipel,Brenda Cubbage, Bruce Turner, Chris Slauter, Nancy Weaver, Tony Lester Absent:Roger Pendleton

Meeting arrangements were handled by Wightman; she, Slauter, and Alice Sobel provided refreshments. Eleven members were in attendance.

President Sobel called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

As there were no nominations from the floor, the five directors (Sobel, Cubbage, Keathley, Lester, and Seipel) running for new two-year terms were elected by acclamation.

Vice President Weaver gave the Secretary’s report as Pendleton was ill. In addition to the annual meeting, in 2019 there were four board meetings, each lasting about two hours. Minutes from all meetings are emailed to HOA members and are posted on the website,

A new feature has been added to the website titled “Your HOA Dues at Work.” A drop-down item under HOA on the main menu, the page currently includes stories and photos on dredging of the North Channel and cleanout of the lake’s outflow structure.

Once again, there will be two editions of the Directory, Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter.

Treasurer Turner reported the HOA is in excellent financial position, with no dues increase required in 2019 or for 2020. Total year-end assets increased from $173,393 to $188,894. Expenses remain within our projected budget. Current dues payments are coming in ahead of last year’s pace.

Outgoing Water Committee Chair Seipel received a well-deserved ovation. He thanked members of the committee, Pendleton, Dan Clement, Phil Anderson and Dave Duperre, and introduced the new Chair Lester. They reviewed the state of the lake:

Water level and quality were maintained at optimum throughout the year. The North Channel was dredged successfully. The fountain at the south end of the Old Channel was replaced with our spare fountain and was repaired to become our current spare. Several floating tree limbs were removed and low hanging branches were trimmed to maintain navigation channels. The annual stocking of the lake with tilapia will be in late April.

Architectural Committee Chair Cubbage thanked her members Wightman and Slauter and reported on eight projects approved and completed in 2019. One deck project was rejected and will not proceed unless resubmitted and approved.

During the open discussion period many of the questions and concerns were about the impound area and the city’s flood control study. The nearby sidewalk along Findlay Drive is crumbling and needs repair. A neighborhood volunteer trash clean up day in Findlay Park was proposed.

The meeting ended at 7:55 p.m.