Lake Interlochen HOA 52nd Annual Meeting
January 14, 2025 7:00pm @ Sobel residence
Directors Attending: Ralph Sobel, Chris Slauter, Bruce Turner, David Duperre, Nancy Weaver, Brian Dawson, Mike Saliba, and Board Member Emeritus Ken Seipel.
Absent: Tony Lester, Brenda Cubbage, and Brian Keathley
Non-Board Architectural Committee: Janine Barber
Absent: Kim Besley
President Sobel called the meeting to order at 6:59pm.
Introduction of our Beat Sergent from Arlington PD Megan Eilrich. She stated we are doing well keeping criminals at bay by locking our cars and removing contents that make them attractive. She let us know that she and other officers are available to us and are very reachable. APD will continue to support us at our HOA meetings and National night out.
Our Board was introduced and the nominated slate of members was presented for voting to the attendees. Nance Weaver has decided to step down from the Board after many years of service. Thank you Nancy for all of your contributions in making this a better neighborhood and keeping us safe. There was one nomination for a new Board member: Noelle Slater. No other nominations were received from the floor or via email balloting. Suzanne Groves made a motion that the slate be accepted as presented and approved by the membership.
Pat Jenkins decided to leave the AAC. Thank you Pat for making the transition to become an independent committee which was deemed by state mandate. Grace Whetstone will be stepping up to help Janine and Kim. Please remember all outside projects need to be approved by the AAC.
The state of our HOA is strong. We have active participation in our Board and homeowners are beginning to ask to assist on other committees. The biggest issue facing the community is the dam and its repair. Because of delays by the city and corps of engineers, the costs for repair have doubled since our original estimates in 2023. If it were to fail it would cause difficulty for Waterways, Millbrook, and significantly lower the water levels in our canals. We had continued to hope that the city would help with some of the expenses, since the dam resides within a city park, but that has not come to fruition. We have asked the Arlington Tomorrow fund to help. We are a non-profit but we are not a charity which is required for a grant. The Board will discuss a special assessment at their next meeting in March. The city has agreed to remove trees and do some work around the dam in preparation for the construction.
The last meetings minutes (Oct 24) were approved via email by the Board. The web site is up to date and the new 2025 directory will be sent soon.
Our expenses for maintenance are comparable to 2023 in our operating account. The difference is the expenses for the dam including paying the engineering firm and costs for a cultural review, environmental studies, and sonar tests on the dam.
Our water levels remain good according to water testing that is done multiple times a year. There has been good rainfall and allowing our water levels to remain optimum. In April, tilapia will once again be introduced to the lake to help with our algae issues. Please remember that algae begins to form in March and the tilapia cannot be added until mid-April due to the temperature of the water being too low for them to survive. There have been multiple fountain repairs. Please fishermen, be aware of where you are casting. Our last repair was from fishing lines getting into the motor. There will be notices going out again this year to homeowners about low hanging branches and we ask that all home owners remind your yard crew to be careful to not blow leaves and grass clippings into the water. The beavers may be returning soon so please report any sightings or damage to the water committee.
We know everyone just got their holiday decorations put away but give some thoughts towards this December as it will be the 50th anniversary of the Interlochen Lights. New Board member Slater has volunteered to lead an effort in insure that every house will have some holiday display. As we continue to plan for this big event, we will keep you informed.
The annual meeting was adjourned at 8:31.
Minutes submitted by Chris Slauter