Meeting Minutes – October 14, 2024

Lake Interlochen HOA Board Meeting
October 14, 2024 7:00pm @ Saliba residence

Directors Attending: Ralph Sobel, Chris Slauter, Bruce Turner, Brenda Cubbage, Nancy Weaver, Tony Lester, Mike Saliba, David Duperre, Brian Dawson, and Bryan Keathley

Absent: None

Non-Board Architectural Committee: Pat Jenkins, Kim Besly, and Janine Barber

Guests: Michael Rodrigues, Rose Marie Seipel, and Ken Seipel

President Sobel called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.

David Duperre gave an update on the HOA website which is running smoothly. Purchasing the original domain name was discussed.

A resident requested that the HOA approve the incorporation address of his business at his residence. The HOA will consider the request and send proposed language for the approval.

Bruce Turner gave the Treasurer’s report after which the P&L and balance sheets were discussed. The reserve fund will have approximately $130K in funds by year end to pay for a portion of the dam restoration project.

Chris Slauter noted a re-sale certificate had been requested for a Porto Bello closing. The Board discussed charging a reasonable fee for the issuance of re-sale certificates going forward since most homeowner associations set a cost for this. Bryan Keathley moved that $100 be charged for a certificate with the fee going towards the HOA balance. Nancy Weaver seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Pat Jenkins presented the Architectural Control Committee’s report. A pool approval, a painting project, and a wall repair request were approved at a Porto Bello residence. There was also approval of an improved fence on Montreau Court to keep dogs from jumping over the existing fence.

The Board reminds residents to repair any of their deteriorating walls on the water to prevent falling and leaning walls which can negatively impact and compromise neighbors’ waterfront as well as their own property.

There was a detailed discussion during Tony Lester’s water report. Due to two years of delays experienced as a result of waiting for City and Army Corp of Engineers’ final approvals and plans, the dam repair project has increased significantly in terms of complexity and costs. All expenses have gone up, including engineering services and reports, materials and labor for the project, and general contractor charges. The Corp now requires a 200 foot long gabion mattress tol be built at the base of the dam. Tony will review with our contractor the schedule which is unlikely to begin until after the Christmas holiday. In the meantime, Ralph will pursue some City funding options for the project.

Other sources of funds were discussed, including raising homeowners’ dues. Bruce Turner made a motion to raise dues in 2025 by 10%. Chris Slauter seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

A possible special assessment was also discussed and temporarily tabled. It would be used to replenish the reserve fund that will be depleted by the project.

Minutes submitted by Brenda Cubbage