Meeting Minutes – March 13, 2023

Lake Interlochen HOA Board Meeting
March 13, 2023 @ Sobel residence

Directors attending: Brenda Cubbage, David Duperre, Tony Lester, Michael Saliba, Ken Seipel, Chris Slauter and Bruce Turner

Absent: Bryan Keathley and Nancy Weaver

Non-Board Architectural Committee: Pat Jenkins, Mike Traner, and Adam and Kim Besly

Before the meeting commenced, Arlington Police Lt. Chris Moore and Sgt. Megan Eilrich, the neighborhood’s new Beat Sgt. stopped by to introduce her and briefly discuss traffic issues in the community, particularly the curve on Crowley.

President Sobel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and recognized resident Traner, who was present to discuss the need for installation of a boat ramp into the lake from the Westwood gate. Several issues were considered, including the easement/access area on either side of the gate that would be needed for ramp installation, construction issues and the time frame for construction. A motion was made and seconded to approve the ramp and for design drawings to be prepared and circulated to the Board prior to commencement of construction. The motion passed unanimously.

There was a discussion regarding the need for back-ups for positions on the Board and for other HOA tasks. Adding an additional member with IT access to the HOA website was favored. It was noted the current and active website address is: (rather than the one printed on the cover of the new directory). There has been very positive response from the community to the printed 50 the anniversary directory. The plan is to print a directory every 4 or 5 years and circulate digital directories in other years.

Mike Saliba, a new Board member, introduced himself and outlined his background. Mike has a PhD in Economics and recently retired in 2021 from teaching economics at SMU. Mike has been an organizer of the neighborhood’s many boat parades since moving here in 2004, and will continue to do so. He will also assist with the many tasks of the Water Committee.

David Duperre, another new Board member, will also be on the Water Committee and manage the website.

Treasurer Bruce Turner gave the financial report, including a review of the balance sheet and the profit/loss statement. The HOA is in sound financial condition and there are funds in reserve for the upcoming dam repair. Owners who have not paid their 2023 annual dues will be contacted by Ralph Sobel with reminders to pay promptly.

The Board will monitor the electric bills for rates and usage, and engage in new contract negotiations with the electric provider when appropriate.

Pat Jenkins, Chair of the Architectural Control Committee, gave a report on a recent request for approval of a dock project. A new boat dock has been approved on San Paulo. Several other architectural issues were discussed. All owners need to be sure and seek approval from the ACC prior to commencing exterior home or yard projects. Tony Lester, Chair of the Water Committee, gave a detailed report on several aspects of the lake. The water level and water quality are both good, and the water will be tested in May prior to the start of swimming and boating season. All fountains are running. Future dredging of one or more ends of the water and the timing and increased costs of such projects were discussed.

A beaver was recently caught in a trap on Loch Lomond but was not reported to the Board or the trapper for several days. If a beaver trap is out back of an owner’s property, it is important for the trap to be checked regularly so if an animal is there, it can be humanely collected by the trapper and taken elsewhere for release. Any beavers noticed in traps should be reported to Ralph or Tony as soon as possible.

The tilapia will be purchased and released into the lake as soon as the water reaches 65 degrees or higher.

Low limbs or broken limbs in the water have been removed. The Board urges all owners to regularly check for fallen limbs or trees in the water after bad weather, especially after high winds.

The dam repair project is still in the planning and engineering stages but is slowly moving forward. With both the City of Arlington and the Army Corp of Engineers involved, it is a slow process. The HOA’s engineers have a meeting with the Army Corp’s engineers on March 14, 2023, to review plans, discuss flood issues and other regulatory requirements. Updates will be forthcoming.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Brenda Cubbage